Gift of Love
Have fun exploring new ways
to give love to all life as a family!

How It Works
- As a family, designate a time to serve others with love.
- Read an ECK quote, and sing HU as a family.
- Choose a service activity your family would enjoy doing
to practice serving the ECK, the Mahanta, and all life
with love. - Afterward take time to reflect together on the spiritual benefits from your gift of love.
- Collect trash at your favorite parks.
- Spend time at your local animal shelter, giving love to the animals.
- Make cards or no-sew blankets for your local children’s hospital or homeless shelter.
- Set up a lemonade stand, or hold a garage sale or car wash, and donate the earnings to a local charity or your Satsang Society.
- Make a meal or bake something yummy for a new mother, new neighbor, or someone in need.
- Make a painting as a family, reflecting your love for God, and donate it to your local ECK Center, library, or nursing home. Or give it to a friend.
- Create beautiful note cards with an uplifting message, and leave them in books for future readers. A few ideas: Happy reading! Have a wonderful day! You make a difference in this world! Thank you for being you!
- As a family, bring balloons to your workplace or your child’s school and pass them out to your coworkers or their classmates.

- Weed or plant flowers at your local ECK Center or in a neighbor’s garden.
- Help clean your local ECK Center.
- Host a coat, hat, and mitten drive, and deliver the items to a local shelter or nonprofit organization that supports local families.
- Make popsicles, and deliver them to your neighbors or friends on a hot summer day.
- Sponsor a family in need around the holidays, and bring them a meal and/or gifts!
- Volunteer at a soup kitchen or with an organization that makes meals for those in need.
- Volunteer together at a rest home to read stories, perform, or help out, and listen with love to the residents. You’ll learn so much!
- Weed or plant flowers at your local ECK Center or in a neighbor’s garden.
- Help clean your local ECK Center.
- Host a coat, hat, and mitten drive, and deliver the items to a local shelter or nonprofit organization that supports local families.
- Make popsicles, and deliver them to your neighbors or friends on a hot summer day.
- Sponsor a family in need around the holidays, and bring them a meal and/or gifts!
- Volunteer at a soup kitchen or with an organization that makes meals for those in need.
- Volunteer together at a rest home to read stories, perform, or help out, and listen with love to the residents. You’ll learn so much!

- Leave Post-it notes on changing tables around town that say, “You’re an awesome parent!” or “You’re doing a great job!”
- As a family, shovel your neighbors’ driveway or rake their yard. Enjoy a warm cup of cider afterward!
- Send someone a card of appreciation or love.
- Offer to pet sit or walk a friend’s dog.
- Grow extra food and vegetables, and donate them to a food bank.
- Make tissue-paper flowers, or buy flowers, and bring them to your local hospital. Donate your gently used stuffed animals to a local firehouse or police station to give to children in emergencies.
- Donate and plant a butterfly bush to help your school start a butterfly garden.

What Gift of Love activity does your family love doing?
Send us your stories and photos of your family participating in a Gift of Love activity for possible submission to an ECK publication!
Gift-of-Love Activity
Testimonial Gallery
Share your pictures and ideas with us for possible posting!