My child has been diagnosed with ADHD, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. I know I’m not the only ECK parent dealing with this type of experience—with a child whose brain functions differently than society expects. In our family, we focus on nutrition and our spiritual exercises to help us all stay in balance. However, the experience of ADHD raises complex emotions in both parent and child.
How can I best support my child spiritually and emotionally and help him survive and thrive? And how can I forgive myself when I lose patience and feel I haven’t measured up to the ECK principles?
—A Loving Mother
Dear Loving Mother,
Children can at times drive parents up the wall, because each child enters this life packed with ages of wide experience. Early on, they may act out the strongest impulses from the past.
Teachers are generally the first to raise the issue about problem children in their care. In a teacher’s dream world, every child would sit quietly and behave like a seat cushion. But in the real world, some kids have a lot more energy than other kids and need plenty of time to run and play to burn it off. Do they get the chance during recess?
A teacher’s concern is usually reduced if the child is prescribed Ritalin or some other drug. Over half the students diagnosed with ADHD end up on medications. This sets up a risky future. Such casual administration of drugs may see later drug overuse and dependence.
Now, what to do?
Have you looked into food sensitivities as a possible trigger for ADHD? Sugar and even honey can worsen restlessness in some children, and pesticides used on produce have also been linked to ADHD. The electromagnetic fields (EMFs) from computers and other electronic devices may further stress nerves and bring on hyperactivity.
Be sure to check with a nutritionist or naturopath to see what protocols their professions offer for your son’s condition.
Let me assure you that you are a good parent!
As parents, we quickly learn our offspring are hardly rubber stamps made in our image. Our values may not be theirs. Our duty, however, is to prepare them for filling a responsible place in society. In any event, we need to love ourselves and also have a lot of patience in the meantime.
As a reminder, everyone in a family has gathered in this lifetime to take advantage of the best possible circumstances for each to excel spiritually.
In the end, our children will walk their own paths, in their own shoes.

March 2019, The Mystic World