Try This Spiritual Exercise!
Dreams, Soul Travel, and Love
By Sri Harold Klemp
There are many ECK spiritual exercises. Each one opens you a little bit more to the Sound and Light of God.
This spiritual exercise is for three different groups of people:
(1) those who don’t dream but want to,
(2) those who dream but want to Soul Travel, and
(3) those who want to go beyond dreams and Soul Travel to pure knowing.
The exercise is so simple that it may seem as if I’m belittling your intelligence, but I’m not. Truth is always simple.
Just before you go to sleep, sit quietly on your bed. Close your eyes. Chant HU very softly, or if someone is in the room with you, chant it silently to yourself. HU is a special word, the ancient name for God.
Chant HU in a long, drawn-out way for three or four or five minutes, and let yourself settle down. Then wait for a few more minutes before starting the next step.
For those who have been unable to remember their dreams, simply chant the word dream spelled out, Chant it out loud, letter by letter: D-R-E-A-M. Do this for about five minutes.
Next, chant the same thing quietly for a few minutes, and then just go to sleep. As you are falling asleep, say “I would like to remember a significant spiritual dream.” With this method, you are asking for truth to come through the dream state.
Some of you want Soul Travel, which is usually an advanced state beyond the dream state. Again, sit on your bed or on the floor, shut your eyes, and look into your Spiritual Eye. This is located at a point just above and between the eyebrows. Don’t expect to see anything there; just chant HU.
Then spell out Soul Travel, chanting each separate letter: S-O-U-L T-R-A-V-E-L. Do this about three times out loud and then three times quietly.
Those who have Soul Traveled may now want to go directly to the higher state of knowing.
Simply chant the words divine love. Chant D-I-V-I-N-E L-O-V-E. This means you seek the highest form of love, which brings all blessings to you.
—Adapted from The Spiritual Exercises of ECK