A Typical Day

Could you tell us something about a typical day in the life of the Living ECK Master?
When I’m home and not traveling, the first thing I do when I get up in the morning is exercise. The body needs it just like Soul needs the spiritual exercises, just like the mind needs something to keep it stimulated—whether it’s a class, job training, or what have you. The emotional body needs exercise too: happiness, crying, whatever. So I exercise and then I get cleaned up and ready to work. Then I work at the desk for the morning.
Afternoons are spent going through the mail. There are lots of letters. Some of the mail, such as processing requests for books, is handled by the staff at the ECK Office. I work with the spiritual end of things. I’m not always able to answer you, but I do read your letters. Your answers will come to you on the inner. What I try to do is turn you and your attention to the Inner Master.
I work at this for several hours, and by that time my daughter comes home from school. If I can convince her to go out to the playground to play soccer or softball, then I can get some more exercise. But I make her think I’m doing it just for her.
Frequently someone will tell me, “All I do is give to other people.” But when we give or do something for someone else, we are actually doing it for ourselves. And as we do this for ourselves, it can also benefit others. Sometimes a person will say, “I’m always doing things just for myself,” and these people have to learn to give to others.
Sometimes after dinner or on the weekends we’ll go out for a drive as a whole family. If your life is very busy, it can be difficult to keep the family together. You have your family life; you try to earn a living and get the ECK work done as you feel the outflow of Spirit coming through you. This means you must become an excellent administrator of your own time. If you don’t, you get rolled under by life. But there is always a way.
If you can’t handle the ECK workload, then find someone who wants to help out so that they can grow too. This is what I have to do. I have to delegate many things; as quickly as a new thing comes up, I delegate part of it to someone who is capable.