Try This Spiritual Exercise!
By Sri Harold Klemp
Spiritual unfoldment can be found in the little things of life. The drama and fixed things which are getting the attention of man are generally those of the Kal. It is the nature of the Kal to force man’s attention to the dramatic things of life, such as war and politics. But it is in the small events, such as goodness in the daily things of life, being kind to a child, speaking softly to those who can be hurt easily, noninjury to a fellow creature, and the giving of one’s self to others who are without the essentials of life, that spiritual unfoldment can be found.
—The Shariyat-Ki-Sugmad, Book Two, pp. 200–201
This day is an opportunity to be a fully conscious channel for the Mahanta in some natural way right for you.
In contemplation, sing HU with all your goodness. The Mahanta brings you a beautiful notebook and a golden pen. He invites you to record your golden acts of kindness at the end of the day.
Just one act can fill the whole book with its impact.
—Spiritual Exercises for the Shariyat, Book Two